Friday, 26 September 2014

Music video research: A2 Student video

As part of our research we have had to watch a couple of videos from the previous A2 group. There is one video that is my favourite out of all of them. This video is very interesting to watch because it is very fast paced. There are a lot of different types of shots and angles used in the video. There are also moments where the main actress looks directly into the camera to try and connect with the viewer. They have also used 4 or 5 different locations to film in which has made the video very interesting to watch and you can not get bored of watching it. You are able to tell that they have spent a lot of time on editing this video because all of their shots fit very well with each other and the lip syncing is done very well. They have also considered things such as lighting,for example in the first scene it is very bright and they have also considered costume. The 2 main actors change what they are wearing through the video to make a change.
21. Khadeeja, Romy, Andreia, Luke from 283goswell on Vimeo.

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