Sunday, 14 December 2014

First Idea (Front & Back)

This was my first. As you can see there isn't an image of our artist, this was mainly because I didn't think the pictures we had were strong enough and because of our synergy. Our synergy is not something 'in your face' its in a place where it would be hard to spot. Our synergy is a symbol/temporary tattoo around the artists arm. Although we have a picture of the synergy I didn't feel it of a strong enough picture. Therefore as a synergy was a symbol I got my inspiration from album covers such as Ed Sheran, Daft Punk and Coldplay.

All the covers above don't show the artist but a symbol that might represent them as an artist. Therefore I thought if I used our symbol instead of a picture it would be okay as long as there as it incorporates our synergy. However I soon realised that I had been getting inspiration from the wrong people. I forgot that these people are already established artists meaning they will be recognised whether their face is on the cover and not and the fact that their audience and genre of music is completely different to mine. This meant I had produced a digipak that was misleading and as a new artist the face should be shown. Although I am not satisfied with the pictures of our artist I will have to be really creative and deal with this.

The next time I do a draft of my digipak I have to make sure that my inspirations are from artists that are in the genre of POP. 

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